Sunday, October 12, 2008

Finally, Microsoft!

So I'm making a new resume. I decided after a lot of feedback that I didn't like the old one. I'm working with my strategy professor on this one so I'm getting a way different perspective. I'm hoping to have my application stuff all in to my dream company sometime this week. Keep your fingers crossed!

Also, I just want to congratulate Microsoft for finally responding to Apple's commericials. I love the Apple commericals; I think they're hilarious but I've just been in awe of how long it's taken Microsoft to get something, anything, out there to advertise. Finally, I feel validated.

I actually thought it does a good job. It's subtle enough to not be direct throw down but if you've paid attention to advertising you know it's in response to what Apple says and it at least trys to get away from the stuffy image that Apple portrays. But still, Apple's commericals make me laugh...

Plus, I love the Mac guy!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Internship happenings

So I'm interning at a marketing company in town called Marketplace Media with a woman named Linda and her daughter Megan. It's been a great experience so far and the company is awesome. Here's a little update on something Megan's been doing...

MTV Coverage!

I'm so crazy busy right now that I really don't have much drive or time to be updating this a ton. I'm sorry about that. I'll try to be better. Once I find a job and get through the next two weeks of school I'll try to update way more frequently!